Storytelling Sessions
Tessa Bide Productions, Bristol, UK
Sunday bedtime story - 'Perfect' by Nicola Davies and Cathy Fisher, read by Tessa Bide
The Tap Dancing Mermaid - bookreading by author Tessa Bide
Sunday bedtime story - 'The time the sea lost its sound' by Tessa Bide.
Sunday bedtime story... 'Poohsticks' by A A Milne, read by Peter Bide.
Tessa Bide reads excerpts of the winning entries to the Bath Libraries creative writing competition
Sunday bedtime story... 'Poohsticks' by A A Milne, read by Peter Bide
Sunday bedtime story... 'Perfect' by Nicola Davies and Cathy Fisher
Sunday bedtime story: The time the sea lost its sound
The Tap Dancing Mermaid book reading by author Tessa Bide